The Arago room is currently open.
Job Nienhuis has room service.
Academic counselors:
It is always possible to go to the academic counselors of Technische Natuurkunde/Applied Physics, Carlijn van Emmerik or Dejana Djokovic. You can make an appointment via the site.
Luisterend Oor Arago (confidant, trustee);
Marel Vrerink and Nick Nijssen:
or +31 6 40199609 (Marel) and +31 6 22223418 (Nick).
Arago tries to offer the option to talk about issues in an easy accessible way. Marel Vrerink and Nick Nijssen are the persons whiting Arago we call ‘luisterend oor,’ which literally translates to ‘listening ear.’ Everything you talk about is confidential, but Marel and Nick are in no way professionals in this field; they are just there to listen if you need to share something with someone. They will however know and tell you what to do if you do need help from someone with more expertise.
Student Affairs Coaching&Counseling (SACC):
Vrijhof (kamer 311) / mail; / site;
The University of Twente has a person that deals with personal circumstances: the student dean. SACC also offers more facilities, like a student psychologist, mindfulness trainings, training for fear of failure, and more. More information can be found at on the site.
The UT has a Canvas-page regarding mental health too. It is mainly aimed at providing information and offers short courses, like mindfulness. You can subscribe to the page via: That does not mean that that you are signed up for any courses at all; you will get the info and get easier access to the courses.
(T)Huisarts (General Practitioner):
Campuslaan 99 / mail; / site; www.campushuisarts / tel; 053-2030204
The campus has its own general practitioner, where you can go to with mental as well as physical symptoms.
For other symptoms and complaints, take a look at, or the English site These sites offer information checked by the countrywide association for general practitioners. The English site has only been online since the summer of 2020 and is still in development.
Commissioner of Internal Affairs:
Aragoroom / mail;
For problems related to committees, such as problems in cooperation with other committee members, Arago’s Commissioner of Internal Affairs is always available. At the moment this is Luc Willemsen.
Other support lines:
There are other countrywide supportlines. ‘Alles Oké?’ (Everything all right?) is a supportline aimed at everyone between 18 and 24 years old, who are struggling with things. It is both possible to phonecall and chat.
Should you suffer from suicidal thoughts, call 0800-0113. An alternative to calling is chatting via
In case of emergency, call 112.