Arago room

The Arago room is currently open.
Sam Baake has room service.

Willem Beeker


Willem Beeker – Member of Merit since the 15th of March  2012

Willem Beeker is someone who put his stamp on Arago. Early on, he started his activities for the association by organizing the Applied Physics sports day in the summer of 1999. Besides, he joined the illustrious gentlemen of the BRAK (and has long been one of their most active members).

This activism has directed him on his way to becoming the treasurer of S.V. Arago. His financial experience has also led him to becoming a part of the FAC II, where a piece of advice was composed which is used to this day. He has been eternalized in this with the term “Beeker Amount”. On top of this, he has established the financial continuity fraternity Promille.

One of his most memorable actions, however, was obtaining the chairman sound block, together with five others, which is still reliably in service during the general assemblies.

This wonderful list of accomplishments for Arago makes him a worthy Member of Merit.