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Technische Natuurkunde

Can you imagine building electronic systems that are almost as energy efficient as the neurons in our brains? Or encryption technology that makes credit card payments impossible to crack? What about making solar panels significantly more efficient, or medical imaging techniques faster, and more accurate? What opportunities could a quantum computer offer? How fast are icebergs melting, and what does turbulence have to do with this? No one would be able to answer any of these questions without a fundamental understanding of the laws of physics. Our bachelor and master Applied Physics students receive their training in leading research in a world-renowned physics department and deepen their understanding of the laws of physics to find technical solutions in a wide range of areas.

In our bachelor and master programmes we combine fundamental courses with strong practical education in the form of practicals and projects. This way the students are trained to obtain the knowledge and skills to become the engineer of the future, ready to solve complex problems and develop advances technologies to solve major societal challenges, for example in healthcare, the energy-transition or digitalization.


Engineers are essential in solving societal challenges, such as the energy transition and the assurance of clean water and healthy food for everyone. Yet, there are currently not enough engineers to develop the required technologies. Therefore, it is our responsibility to educate more and better engineers. To achieve this, we need to make our educational programmes accessible for more people and flexibilisation of education will be key in this.

Team FlexSciLabs has designed experiments and projects for students in the engineering science programmes at the University of Twente, which can be executed at any place or time. This reduces stress and allows students to take charge of their own learning-path. Moreover, it makes our education accessible for more students and enables part-time studying, which is also beneficial for Life-Long Learning. The designed projects are currently considered for implementation in Delft, Eindhoven and Amsterdam.

We won the third prize of the Dutch Education Premium and we are using the money to translate and adapt FlexSciLabs to primary and secondary education as well as to higher education in developing countries. We envisage this to significantly increase the number of engineers educated to tackle the technological challenges of the future.

Founded in 1921, the Netherlands’ Physical Society (NNV) is the organization representing physicists in The Netherlands. NNV stands up for physics in secondary and higher education and scientific research in The Netherlands. NNV aims to contribute to a strong knowledge base and an excellent scientific research environment.

NNV serves the interests of all Dutch physicists, whether they are employed in research, education, private companies or government. The society fosters contact between its members and individuals abroad, societies and organizations in the field of physics. NNV organizes conferences, is involved in improvement and innovation of Dutch science education and the society supports outreach activities, specifically targeting students in elementary and secondary schools. NNV has initiated the website and publishes the NTvN, the Dutch Journal for Physics.

NNV’s sections are dedicated to various subfields of physics, the private sector and education. Each section organizes specific activities, e.g. conferences.

At MESA+, we believe in realising grand solutions with the extremely small. We contribute to solving current and future societal challenges. We do this by using our fascination with the extremely small. We bring societal challenges inside and use our fascination to work on innovative and sustainable solutions. We focus on societal challenges in four application areas: Health, AgriFood & Water, Security, and Energy & Sustainability.

With our research, we contribute to a fair, sustainable and digital society.

Embracing a cross-disciplinary approach and benefiting from the MESA+ NanoLab, over 500 researchers deliver high quality, frequently ground-breaking research. MESA+ actively seeks collaboration with external partners providing an excellent setting for consortium formation. Next to our excellent scientists and facilities, we offer a strong regional ecosystem that creates the breeding ground to let ideas blossom and grow to relevant, successful solutions and businesses.

Physics of Fluids (PoF)

The Physics of Fluids group is studying a wide variety of flow phenomena, both fundamental and applied, and we combine experimental, theoretical, and numerical methods to solve problems in fluid dynamics. The range of topics goes from nanobubbles to accretion disks, from granular flow to medical flow, and from wind turbines to microfluidic chips. The problems we study generally get their complexity from phase transitions (boiling, cavitation, melting, dissolution), from particulate additions (particles, bubbles, droplets), from chemical additions (surfactants, pH), from gradients (salinity, thermal, velocity), from boundary conditions (pinning, (de)wetting, superhydrophobicity), or material properties (elasticity, plasticity). Complexity can also arise from very small scales or very high velocities, which can be solved by using the latest high-speed cameras, (confocal) microscopes, and high speed lasers, or by simulating the problems.

With over a 100 members in the PoF group we cover a wide range of topics in our 16 labs and use high-performance computing facilities all over the world. The group receives external research funding from NWO, ERC, EU, and various companies. The group is part of the Max Planck Center for Complex Fluid Mechanics and participates in the Technical Medical (TechMed) Centre research program.