Arago room

The Arago room is currently closed.


The Matunda has been given the (difficult) task to provide Aragonauts with the tastiest fruits Overijssel has to offer, to protect them from scurvy.

De Matunda can be reached via and currently consists of:

  • Astrid van den Berg (Voorzitter)
  • Marthe de Vries (Walnotulist)
  • Sam Overeem (Kokosnotulist)
  • Anna van Bussel (Penningmeester)
  • Imre van Veldhoven
  • Bob Stegeman
  • Sylvan de Vries
  • Jasper Bakker
  • Kalea Mensing
  • Andries-Jan van der Werff
  • Akash Mondal
  • Tygo Lambrou