The Arago room is currently open.
Esther DiVincenzo has room service.
The yearly sportsday, together with the Nanothlon and Summer drink, again took place this year completely free due to the sponsorship of TMC! Even though the weather was less suited for a barbecue, it was perfect for an intense day of sporting. 17 teams of which 9 research group teams competed in soccer, basketball, volleyball, dodgeball and ultimate Frisbee but only one can be the winner. At least, that’s what you would think… PIN was victorious over the research groups but the teams of Arago had two winners: ‘Nieuwe inschrijfgroep aanmaken…’ and ‘Energie gaat nooit verloren’!
The day quickly continued with the Nanothlon where Lars Bossink was to be the fasted. Other attendees figured they would rather go to the Summer Drink directly instead of first having to swim 50m, cycle 1.5km and run for 400m, very understandable. At the Summer Drink there were plenty of participants enjoying the meal and free drinks for the entire evening. The yearly Beerrelays also take place, this time BACO 1 proved they were the thirstiest.
Hopefully next year will be just as successful!