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Introduction to High Energy Physics

Why did you take this course?
“High Energy Physics is a subject which is not well represented at the UT and is more theoretical. Precisely because of that I wanted to take such a course.”

“Particle physics seemed very interesting to me, next to that I was told this course would be very suitable for a Capita Selecta minor.”

What were your expectations beforehand and did the course meet your expectations?
“I was told this course was not all that difficult and that everyone passes the course. In the beginning I thought it was quite hard to follow the lectures and I was hoping that everyone was right. Eventually the exam was easier than the impression I got from the lectures and I am glad I didn’t quit the course.”

“I heard it was a relatively easy course compared to some other courses. This is indeed true. I did, however, expect more theory; most subjects are treated qualitatively and it sometimes felt like the formulas came from nowhere. Next to that there are a few paragraphs about how detectors, particle accelerators etcetera work and how they look like, which is something I was not really interested in.

Would you take the course again?

“Yes, drawing Feynman diagrams is very restful.”

“Yes, the course is Feynman!”

How much time (weekly) did it take to follow the course?
“Every week there were two lectures and we had to submit an homework exercise. The homework exercises were quite difficult and took me a lot of time. Every week it cost me about 9 or 10 hours.”

“About 10 hours a week. There are 1 or 2 lectures and homework exercises, which are quite difficult.”

“One times a week you have to submit an exercise, to get bonus points for your exam. The length of these exercises differs per week, but did cost quite a lot of time. Next tot that you have 2 lectures a week. In total about 10 ours a week.”

Would you recommend the course?
“Yes. In addition, I would like to add that by making the many practice exams that are offered you can make the exam reasonably well, since you are also allowed to have book present during the exam.”

“I would recommend this course to everyone.”