Arago room

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Laser Physics

Why did you take this course?
“It is recommended if you want to graduate at LPNO or other optics groups. It is very likely that you will work with lasers if you do the optics track, so I thought it might be handy.”

What were your expectations beforehand and did the course meet your expectations?
“I expected it to explain how lasers work. It did. It wasn’t a hard course.”

“I expected to learn how lasers work and what they do. Yes, it did meet my expectations”

Would you take the course again?

“At the end I liked it more than when it just started.” 

How much time (weekly) did it take to follow the course?
“Two lectures and a tutorial that discusses the homework. Homework costs about 4 hours a week, is not that hard if you just read the book “

“±15 hours”

Would you recommend the course?
“Some basic knowledge of lasers is handy, therefore yes. But lectures are not always that useful.” 
