The Arago room is currently closed.
In 1996, during the third year of his studies, Bas ended up as chairman of the Arago board. In this position, he decided to put the Arago symposium back on the map, as it had been poorly visited for several years. Due to his efforts, the symposium committee was able to put forward Wubbo Ockels as Master of Ceremonies of the lustrum symposium ‘Mission to Mars’.
Shortly after his board year, Bas founded the ‘BrouwRidders der Arago Kelder’ (literal translation: Brewery Knights of the Arago Cellar, better known as the BRAK) together with some fellow students. The BRAK is still in charge of brewing beer for special Arago activities.
Besides these two remarkable achievements, Bas also played a role in an enormous number of small committees. Moreover, he still regularly gives lunch lectures in name of the company Océ. His involvement earned him the title Member of Merit in 2003.