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Homepagina | Graduation (BSc / MSc)| PhD positions

Bachelor / Master Assignments bij XUV Optics

Er zijn verschillende Thesis Assignments bij XUV. Zie voor een uitgebreidere uitleg van de vakgroep hun website.

Heb je interesse in een van deze onderwerpen? De algemeen contactpersoon hiervoor is Prof. dr. Marcelo Ackermann. De contactpersonen voor de specifieke assignments zijn te vinden op de desbetreffende pagina’s.

Bachelor assignment : Development and automation of an imiage analysis sequence for TEM micrographs

Overview Bachelor/master assignments XUV Optics group:

  1. Development and automation of an image analysis sequence for TEM microghaphs
  2. Sources of HIO contamination
  3. Enabling in-situ XRF measurements
  4. Advanced Transparent Optical Materials (ATOM) study for Mosaic Target Depositions
  5. Advanced Transparent Optical Materials (ATOM) study on enhanced entropy alloy oxidation
  6. Functional properties of piezoelectric thin films
  7. Development of stable process flow for manufacturing of Si nano-focussing lenses
  8. Deposition and analysis of piezoelectric thin films
  9. Laboratory X-ray characterization tools and algorithms for thin films, multilayer structures and nano-patterns
  10. Synthesis of multilayer structures with atomic scale layer thickness
  11. Spectral Unraveling (SUN) of EUV light sources
  12. Detecting hydrogen from the sputtered ion signal in low-energy ion scattering

Investigate the effect of microstructure on a freestanding membrane lifetime performance at ASML

Background information
Pellicle is a thin film membrane which is used in EUV scanner(NXE) and protect the mask from defects and particles. Pellicle is made of a poly-crystalline silicon film and working under harsh conditions (EUV light, plasma, vacuum and high temperature). In order to have a pellicle with robust performance and meet lifetime requirements, pellicle microstructure should be controlled and understood.

Your assignment
Your main task will be to use different characterization techniques such as HRSEM,TEM, EBSD, AFM to study a pellicle microstructure. You should be hands-on experiment. You should be able to use image processing techniques to quantify pellicle microstructure e.g. grain size and so on. In addition you need to correlate microstructure of pellicle with performance and build up understanding on pellicle performance drift during lifetime tests.

Your profile
You are a  highly motivated student with material science and engineering background with high interest in analytical characterization. You should be eager to work in  team. You should be creative and innovative. Knowledge of programming language like Matlab/Python is a plus.

This is a graduation internship for 5 days a week with duration of a minimum 9 months.

Note that the outcome of this work cannot be published.

Please keep in mind that we can only consider students (who are enrolled at a school during the whole internship period) for our internships and graduation assignments.

What ASML offers

Your internship will be in one of the leading Dutch corporations, gaining valuable experience in a highly dynamic environment. You will receive a monthly internship allowance of 500 euro (maximum), plus a possible housing or travel allowance. In addition, you’ll get expert, practical guidance and the chance to work in and experience a dynamic, innovative team environment.

ASML: Be part of progress

We make machines that make chips – the hearts of the devices that keep us informed, entertained and safe; that improve our quality of life and help to tackle the world’s toughest problems.

We build some of the most amazing machines that you will ever see, and the software to run them. Never satisfied, we measure our performance in units that begin with pico or nano.

We believe we can always do better. We believe the winning idea can come from anyone. We love what we do – not because it’s easy, but because it’s hard.

Students: Getting ready for real-world R&D

Pushing technology further is teamwork, and our R&D team is more than 5,500 people strong, with major sites on three continents. Dozens of diverse, interdisciplinary teams work in parallel to meet a challenging development schedule.

In such an environment, your colleagues may be sitting next door, or they could be thousands of kilometers away in a different country, or even working for a different company.

An internship at ASML is your opportunity to get to know this world of industrial-strength R&D and get a feel for that excites you most. Will you design a part of the machine, or make sure it gets built to the tightest possible specifications? Will you write software that drives the system to its best performance, or work side-by-side with the engineers of our customers in a fab, optimizing a system to the requirements of the customer?

How will you be part of progress?


For contact send an e-mail to, or call +31 (0)40 268 6773

Afstuderen (MSc) bij IMS – Functional Optoelectronic Materials group

Available immediately (July 2018)

Material Discovery for Transparent P-Type Electrodes
*Option for Capital Selecta course: Introduction to Optoelectronic Materials (5 EC).

Project motivation: Metal oxides (MOx) are essential in several optoelectronic devices, such as thin film-based solar cells, displays and light emitting diodes. However, most conductive MOx are n-type. If a p-type counterpart is found, novel functionalities can be unlocked, such as the development of semi- or fully-transparent electronic devices, or the replacement of absorbing contacts in solar cells (Ref. M. Morales-Masis et al. Adv. Electron. Mater. 3 (2017)).

Project goal: Demonstrate experimentally recent theoretical predictions (Ref. G. Hautier et al. Nat. Commun. 4, 2013) that indicate that a transition from a metal oxide (MOx) to a metal oxysulfide (MOySz) or metal sulfide (MSx) leads to a transition from a n-type to p-type material.

Tasks of MSc student: Metal oxide thin films (SnOx, ZrOx) will be deposited by pulsed laser deposition (PLD), followed by a thermal sulfurization step. Optical and electrical characterization of the film’s properties as a function of oxygen and sulfur concentration will be performed and used to propose a model for carrier transport in the films.

Monica Morales-Masis, CR 3237,, +31534891791

Solution-Processed High-Mobility Transparent Contacts for Solar Cells
*Option for Capital Selecta course: Introduction to Optoelectronic Materials (5 EC).

Project motivation: Broad-band transparent and high-mobility transparent conducting oxides (TCOs) are required to maximize light absorption and electrical performance in solar cells. Gentle deposition techniques for the TCOs are required to avoid thermal or physical damage to the substrate or layers underneath, for example, during the deposition of the front TCO in solar cells (figure below) (Ref. M. Morales-Masis et al. Adv. Electron. Mater. 3 (2017)).

Project goal: synthesis of high mobility, wide band gap indium-based TCOs (H-doped In2O3, Zr-doped In2O3) thin films by chemical solution process. Films will be compared to PLD-grown films, to assess material quality, microstructure, dopant efficiency and carrier transport properties.

Tasks of MSc student: the films will be grown by chemical bath deposition (CBD) (or alternatively from nanoparticle-based solutions), and characterized by temperature-dependent Hall effect measurements, UV-Vis-NIR spectrophotometer, X-ray diffraction, AFM. Experimental data will be used to propose a carrier transport model. Application on proof-of-concept solar cells is also foreseen.

Monica Morales-Masis, CR 3237,, +31534891791

Afstuderen (MSc) bij MSS (EWI/EEMCS)

In the last 50 years the composition of natural gas in the Dutch gas grid was very constant. It is expected that the gas quality
bands are going to vary much more due to changes of the main gas supply streams, i.e. the introduction of biogas in the
gas grid will also lead to broadening of the gas quality bands. Although the used volume of biogas is relatively low, it can
cause variation because the gas quality of biogas varies periodically. This can cause a shift in the currently existing paradigm
of paying per cubic meter of gas (€/m-3) to paying per mega Joule of heat generated per cubic meter of gas (€/mJ/m-3).

Contact information
Supervisor: Dr. ir. Remco Wiegerink (
Daily supervisor: Ing. Henk-Willem Veltkamp, MSc (

MSc thesis – Catalytic microscale combustion

The project, of which you become a part, aims at the realization of a miniaturized Wobbe index meter for
the measurement of the energy content of fuel gases in a single silicon chip. Fuel gas and air are mixed in
this chip and heated up to ignition temperature, resulting in spontaneous combustion:

CH4(g) + 2 O2(g)  CO2(g) + 2 H2O(l)

The combustion energy is estimated from the resulting elevation in temperature and, combined with
density and flow rates measured by integrated micro Coriolis mass flow sensors, the Wobbe index can be
calculated. The μWobbe index meter can replace existing bulky and expensive Wobbe index meters (see
image) and enables gas monitoring at the central heating system of the consumer’s home.
Your MSc thesis is all about how the flame propagation and the formed combustion products relate to the gas flow rates.
This will be done by performing a thorough literature study on microscale combustion, the thermodynamics, radicals and
quenching, and by performing combustion experiments inside quartz capillary and analyzing the combustion products.
When time allows, there is also the possibility to look into catalytic combustion.
Your project will be performed in the Micro Sensors and Systems group of the faculty EWI/EEMCS:

You will work closely together with your daily supervisor and one other PhD student, who are both working on the STW
project “Integrated Wobbe Index Meter”.

Summarized, your assignment consists of the following tasks:
– Literature study on micro/mini scale combustion, including thermodynamics, radicals and possible quenching;
– Building an experimental setup for combustion experiments in fused silica capillaries/tubing;
– Performing combustion experiments, i.e. measuring the flame velocity;
– Measuring the combustion products via a suitable method;
– Literature study on combustion catalysts;
– Applying a catalyst inside the quartz capillary and measuring the formed (catalytic) combustion products.
– Analyzing data and proposing relationships between flow, tube/capillary diameter, temperature, flame velocity,
combustion products, etc.
And when time and one’s background allows:
– Development of a COMSOL model including the CFD, heat transfer, and combustion reaction;

Are you a master student with a chemical and/or physics background (Chemical Engineering, Applied Physics,
Nanotechnology) and currently looking for a MSc thesis topic, then maybe this is a suitable topic for you.

High Tech Systems and Materials Masters Honours Programme

• Are you looking for an extra challenge on top of your Master’s degree?

• Would you like to be trained by excellent scientists and optimize your chances on a high profile industrial or PhD position?

• Would you like to deepen your knowledge of your own field, yet also join forces with students from other (technical) disciplines?

• Are you up for challenging real-life product development assignments together with one of our industrial partners?

Then the HTSM Master’s Honours Programme is just what you are looking for!

The Universities of Groningen and Twente – in cooperation with Astron, BD Kiestra, Innovatiecluster Drachten and Philips Consumer Lifestyle – offer talented, motivated students the opportunity to challenge themselves with this unique extra-curricular Master’s Honours Programme.

For whom?

The highly selective admission procedure is open to students from both the University of Groningen and the University of Twente. Talented, ambitious students from the following course programmes are welcome to apply:

• (Applied) Physics

• Chemistry

• Chemical Engineering

• Industrial Engineering and Management

• Industrial Design Engineering

• Mechanical Engineering

• Electrical Engineering

• Computer Science

• Artificial Intelligence

• Human-Machine Communication

• Other science studies with a clear technical component applicable to the HTSM sector, such as mathematics, biomedical engineering, life sciences & technology and molecular biology.

Selection criteria

• A Bachelor’s degree by 1 September with good to excellent results, including a Bachelor’s thesis marked above average.

• Good oral and written skills in English (TOEFL 580).

• Highly motivated toward the focus of the programme: multidisciplinary, innovative, high tech product development.

• Able to pair a great intellectual ability with technical skills and interests.

• Specific personal qualities (innovative, independent, creative, original, proactive and persevering).

• Motivated and able to collaborate with other (technical) disciplines in multidisciplinary teams.

• The desire to widen your knowledge beyond the borders of your own discipline and beyond technical and non-technical borders.

More information about the programme and selection procedure is available on the following website: