Arago room

The Arago room is currently open.
Esther DiVincenzo has room service.

PhD positions

Homepagina | Afstuderen (BSC / MSc) | PhD positions

PhD Position at XUV OpticsThe UT research group XUV Optics has a PhD Research Position called “Research on Hydrogen-induced outgassing for XUV Optics”. For more information on this PhD position and to apply for this position, go to their website.Several PhD positions at Casimir Research SchoolThere are several PhD positions available at Casimir Research School, collaboration of Leiden University & Delft University for interdisciplinary physics. More information can be found here.

Amsterdam UMC – PhD position
Improving the optical detection of extracellular vesilces as liquid biopsy biomarkers, for more indomration click here.