Arago room

The Arago room is currently open.
Casper van den Berg has room service.


Summer Sounds 2023

6 juni 2023

The summer holidays are right around the corner, and we are going to kick it off together with the Summer Sounds! On the last Friday before the summer holidays, we are going to transform the O&O square into a festival ground. Together with Inter-Actief, Paradoks, Scintilla, Astatine, Arago, Abacus, Proto, Atlantis and Stress, we will …

The 117th candidate board of the S.V. Arago is announced.

11 april 2023

The 117th candidate board of the S.V. Arago is announced. The 96th board has full confidence they will become beautiful diamonds next year. We hope they will be constituted as follows at the GMA of September: Bart Brouwer  – Chairman Renske van Poppelen – Secretary Chloë Ten Wolde – Treasurer Sam Temmink – Commissioner of …

New confidential contacts / Nieuw luisterend oor

13 maart 2023

English version can be found below. Enkele weken terug zijn er twee nieuwe luisterende oren aangesteld en is het oude luisterend oor gestopt. Dit nieuwsbericht is er om jullie te informeren over wat het luisterend oor doet en wie deze functie sinds kort heeft. Het luisterend oor is aangesteld om met leden te praten die …

NEWS: Buying books Quartile 3

15 februari 2023

Hello everybody, If you are reading this, I am (almost) sure you have heard that StudyStore has stopped. Because of this, we have made the following page: Buying books Quartile 3. To give you an overview of all the books that could be bought on StudyStore. On the same kind of solution for quartile four …

What to do: public transport strike 101

5 februari 2023

Hello Students, Next week (week 6) there will be strikes in regional transport, by employees affiliated with some trade unions. It is not yet known what the exact consequences to the travel program will be. However, it could be a hindrance for several of you to get to the university, or even worse and make …

Update: Broken mail server.

28 november 2022

Unfortunately all the ingoing emails sent to an email address ending on will not be delivered if not send from an email address ending in We apologise for the inconvenience. Our CCCP members are working on a solution to the problem. In the meantime the board of S.V. Arago can be reached with: …

The 96th Board of S.V. Arago

19 oktober 2022

On September 16th, 2022, the 95th board was replaced by the 96th board. The 96th board is constituted as follows: Gijs Lammertink – Chairman Marieke van der Klis– Secretary Janiek Weening – Treasurer Luc Willemsen – Commissioner of Internal Affairs Tijn Urlings – Commissioner of External Affairs Bob Stegeman – Commissioner of Educational Affairs The …

The 116th candidate-board of S.V. Arago is announced!

1 juni 2022

The 116th candidate board of the S.V. Arago is announced! The 95th board thinks that this board will always be connected to the members, and hopes that they will be constituted as follows at the GMA in September:   Gijs Lammertink – Chairman Marieke van der Klis – Secretary Janiek Weening – Treasurer Luc Willemsen …